Table of contents
- Quick Reference
- Usage and Syntax
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Tutorial (quick start)
- Recent Changes
- Script Showcase
- Script Compatibility
- Command and Function Index
- Environment
- External Libraries
File, Directory and Disk
- Drive
- DriveGet
- DriveSpaceFree
- FileAppend
- FileCopy
- FileCopyDir
- FileCreateDir
- FileCreateShortcut
- FileDelete
- FileEncoding
- FileExist
- FileGetAttrib
- FileGetShortcut
- FileGetSize
- FileGetTime
- FileGetVersion
- FileInstall
- FileMove
- FileMoveDir
- FileOpen
- FileReadLine
- FileRead
- FileRecycle
- FileRecycleEmpty
- FileRemoveDir
- FileSelectFile
- FileSelectFolder
- FileSetAttrib
- FileSetTime
- If[Not]Exist
- IniDelete
- IniRead
- IniWrite
- Loop (files & folders)
- Loop (read file contents)
- SetWorkingDir
- SplitPath
- Flow of Control
Graphical User Interfaces
- FileSelectFile
- FileSelectFolder
- Gui
- Gui control types
- GuiControl
- GuiControlGet
- Gui ListView control
- Gui TreeView control
- IfMsgBox
- Image Handles
- InputBox
- LoadPicture
- Menu
- MenuGetHandle
- MenuGetName
- MsgBox
- OnMessage
- Progress
- SplashImage
- SplashTextOn/SplashTextOff
- Standard Windows Fonts
- Styles for a window/control
- ToolTip
- TrayTip
- Maths
Mouse and Keyboard
- Hotkeys and Hotstrings
- #InstallKeybdHook
- #InstallMouseHook
- #KeyHistory
- BlockInput
- Click
- ControlClick
- ControlSend[Raw]
- CoordMode
- GetKeyName
- GetKeySC
- GetKeyState
- GetKeyVK
- Key List (Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick)
- KeyHistory
- KeyWait
- Input
- MouseClick
- MouseClickDrag
- MouseGetPos
- MouseMove
- Send[Raw|Input|Play|Event]
- SendLevel
- SendMode
- SetCapsLockState
- SetDefaultMouseSpeed
- SetKeyDelay
- SetMouseDelay
- SetNumLockState
- SetScrollLockState
- SetStoreCapsLockMode
- Misc.
- Object Types
- Process
- Registry
- Screen
- Sound
- Asc
- Chr
- Format
- FormatTime
- If[Not]InString
- If var [not] in/contains MatchList
- InStr
- Loop (parse a string)
- Ord
- RegEx Quick Reference
- RegExMatch
- RegExReplace
- SetEnv (var = value)
- SetFormat
- Sort
- StringCaseSense
- StringGetPos
- StringLeft/StringRight
- StringLen
- StringLower/StringUpper
- StringMid
- StringReplace
- StringSplit
- StringTrimLeft/StringTrimRight
- StrLen
- StrPut/StrGet
- StrReplace
- StrSplit
- SubStr
- Trim
- Controls
- Window Groups
- Window Titles
- #WinActivateForce
- DetectHiddenText
- DetectHiddenWindows
- IfWin[Not]Active
- IfWin[Not]Exist
- SetTitleMatchMode
- SetWinDelay
- StatusBarGetText
- StatusBarWait
- WinActivate
- WinActivateBottom
- WinActive
- WinClose
- WinExist
- WinGet
- WinGetActiveStats
- WinGetActiveTitle
- WinGetClass
- WinGetPos
- WinGetText
- WinGetTitle
- WinHide
- WinKill
- WinMaximize
- WinMinimize
- WinMinimizeAll[Undo]
- WinMove
- WinRestore
- WinSet
- WinSetTitle
- WinShow
- WinWait
- WinWait[Not]Active
- WinWaitClose
- #AllowSameLineComments
- #ClipboardTimeout
- #CommentFlag
- #ErrorStdOut
- #EscapeChar
- #HotkeyInterval
- #HotkeyModifierTimeout
- #Hotstring
- #If
- #IfWin[Not]Active
- #IfWin[Not]Exist
- #IfTimeout
- #Include[Again]
- #InputLevel
- #InstallKeybdHook
- #InstallMouseHook
- #KeyHistory
- #MaxHotkeysPerInterval
- #MaxMem
- #MaxThreads
- #MaxThreadsBuffer
- #MaxThreadsPerHotkey
- #MenuMaskKey
- #NoEnv
- #NoTrayIcon
- #Persistent
- #SingleInstance
- #UseHook
- #Warn
- #WinActivateForce