To use Sheet Set Manager objects, you must use an AcSmSheetSetMgr object and one or more AcSmDatabase objects (DST files).
After you create an AcSmSheetSetMgr object, you can use the CreateDatabase method to create an AcSmDatabaseAcSmDatabase object. Specify a file name with a DST extension. Alternatively, you can use the OpenDatabase method to open an existing database. You can also access databases that are currently open. Use the GetDatabaseEnumerator method to obtain an enumerator that provides access to the list of open databases. You can retrieve a specific open database using the FindOpenDatabase method.
In order to make changes to a database, it must be locked using the LockDb method. Any changes you make can be saved or rolled back using the UnlockDb method. UnLockDbUnLockDb has a Boolean commitcommit parameter that controls this behavior. If the value of the commitcommit parameter is true, then the changes will be written to the file. If you pass in false for the commitcommit parameter, the changes will be rolled back or undone by reloading the database from disk.