Work with Customization Files


Work with Customization Files
Concept Procedure

Customization (CUI) files are used to store commands, user interface elements, and references to partial CUI files and AutoLISP files. CUI files can be designated as main, partial, or enterprise. The CUI file designation determines the order the file is loaded. User interface elements can be transferred between CUI files, which helps to make the migration process easier.

With the Customize User Interface (CUI) Editor, you can do the following with customization files:

  • Create a new CUI file from scratch
  • Save an existing CUI file with a different name
  • Transfer customization between two CUI files
  • Migrate customization from a MNS or MNU file
  • Reset and restore CUI files
  • Load a CUI file as a partial CUI file
  • Basics of Customization Files

    Customization files are loaded into AutoCAD to define elements that make up the user interface and are edited using the Customize User Interface (CUI) Editor.

  • Migrate and Transfer Customizations

    You can migrate custom MNU or MNS files from earlier releases using the Customize User Interface (CUI) Editor. The program transfers all of the data in the MNU or MNS file to a CUI file without modifying the original menu file. The new CUI file is an XML-based file that has the same name as your original menu file, but with a .cui extension.

  • Create and Load a Partial CUI File

    Create, load, or unload partial customization files as you need them. Loading and using a partial CUI file allows you to create and modify most interface elements (toolbars, menus, ribbon panels, and so on) in a separate CUI file without having to import the customizations to your main CUI file.

  • Create an Enterprise CUI File

    An enterprise CUI file typically stores customization information that is shared by many users, but is controlled by a CAD manager. Enterprise CUI files make maintaining and modifying customization data easier for the individual responsible for controlling company standards.