To create an image tile slide library (Procedure)


Create Image Tile Menus
Concept Procedure Quick Reference

To create an image tile slide library

  1. Place all your slides in a single folder location that you want to add to a slide library.
  2. Click Start menu (Windows) Run.
  3. In the Run dialog box, enter cmd in the text box.
  4. Click OK to bring up a DOS window.
  5. At the command prompt, enter CD <folder location of slides>.

    As an example: CD “c:\slides”

  6. While in the location of the slide files, enter dir *.sld /b > <file name>.

    As an example: dir *.sld /b > “myslides”

    A text file will be created with the names of the slide files contained in the current folder.

  7. With the text file created of all the slide files in the current folder, enter <AutoCAD Install folder>\slidelib.exe <slide library file name> < <text file with slide names>.

    As an example: “C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2009\slidelib.exe”“myslidelib” < “myslides”

  8. When you finish, close the DOS window.
WarningAfter you create the slide library, place the individual slide files in a safe place so they do not accidently get deleted. This is important if you need to rebuild the slide library one day.