To create an image tile slide library
- Place all your slides in a single folder location that you want to add to a slide library.
- Click
Start menu (Windows)
- In the Run dialog box, enter cmd in the text box.
- Click OK to bring up a DOS window.
- At the command prompt, enter CD <folder location of slides>.
- While
in the location of the slide files, enter dir *.sld /b > <file
As an example: dir *.sld /b > “myslides”
A text file will be created with the names of the slide files contained in the current folder.
- With
the text file created of all the slide files in the current folder,
enter <AutoCAD Install folder>\slidelib.exe
<slide library file name> < <text file with slide names>.
As an example: “C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2009\slidelib.exe”“myslidelib” < “myslides”
- When you finish, close the DOS window.
WarningAfter you create the slide
library, place the individual slide files in a safe place so they
do not accidently get deleted. This is important if you need to rebuild
the slide library one day.