Command and System Variable History

AutoCAD 2009 Readme

Command and System Variable History

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New Commands

Command Description
ACTRECORD Starts the Action Recorder.
ACTSTOP Stops the Action Recorder and provides the option of saving the recorded actions to an action macro file.
-ACTSTOP Stops the Action Recorder and provides the option of saving the recorded actions to an action macro file.
ACTUSERINPUT Inserts a request for user input into an action macro.
ACTUSERMESSAGE Inserts a message that will be viewed during playback.
-ACTUSERMESSAGE Inserts a user message into an action macro.
ALLPLAY Plays all named views in current drawing.
BACKGROUND Sets up the background for your view.
CLASSICLAYER Manages layer and layer properties.
DASHBOARD Opens the Dashboard window. Routed to the RIBBON command
-DGNEXPORT Creates one or more DGN files from the current drawing.
-DGNIMPORT Imports the data from a DGN file into a new DWG file.
DGNLAYERS Controls the display of layers in a DGN underlay.
DGNMAPPING Allows users to create and edit user-defined DGN mapping setups.
DWFFORMAT Sets the default DWF format to the selected format to DWF or DWFx for the PUBLISH, 3DDWF, and EXPORT commands.
EDITSHOT Opens the Edit View dialog box with the Shot Properties tab active.
EXPORTLAYOUT Exports all visible objects from current layout to the model space of a new drawing.
HIDEPALETTES Hides currently displayed palettes (including the command line).
IMPRESSION Gives a CAD drawing a hand-drawn look by exporting it for rendering in Autodesk Impression.
LAYERCLOSE Closes Layer Properties Manager.
NAVSMOTION Displays the ShowMotion interface.
NAVSMOTIONCLOSE Closes the ShowMotion interface.
NAVSWHEEL Displays the SteeringWheel.
NAVVCUBE Controls the visibility and display properties of the ViewCube.
NEWSHOT Creates a named view with motion that is played back when viewed with ShowMotion.
QVDRAWING Displays open drawings and layouts in a drawing in preview images.
QVDRAWINGCLOSE Closes preview images of open drawings and layouts in a drawing.
QVLAYOUT Displays preview images of model space and layouts in a drawing.
QVLAYOUTCLOSE Closes preview images of model space and layouts in a drawing.
RIBBON Opens the Ribbon window.
RIBBONCLOSE Closes the Ribbon window.
SEQUENCEPLAY Plays the named views in one view category.
SHOWPALETTES Restores the display of hidden palettes.
VIEWGO Restores a named view.
VIEWPLAY Plays the animation associated with a named view.

Changed Commands

Changed Command Description
DASHBOARDCLOSE Closes the Dashboard window. Routed to the RIBBONCLOSE command.
DGNATTACH Attaches a DGN underlay to the current drawing.
-DGNATTACH Attaches a DGN underlay to the current drawing.
DGNEXPORT Creates one or more DGN files from the current drawing.
DGNIMPORT Imports the data from a DGN file into a new DWG file.
GEOPGRAPHICLOCATION Specifies the geographic location information for a drawing file.
LAYER Manages layers and layer properties.
NEWVIEW Creates a named view without motion.
QUICKCUI Displays the Customize User Interface dialog box in a collapsed state.
VPLAYER Sets layer visibility within viewports.

New System Variables

System Variable Description
ACTPATH Specifies the additional paths to use when locating available action macros for playback.
ACTRECORDSTATE Specifies the current state of the Action Recorder.
ACTRECPATH Specifies the path used to store new action macros.
ACTUI Controls the behavior of the Action Recorder panel when recording and playing back macros.
CAPTURETHUMBNAILS Specifies if and when thumbnails are captured for the Rewind tool.
DGNIMPORTMAX Limits the number of elements that are translated when importing a DGN file. This limit prevents the program from running out of memory and suspending when importing large DGN files.
DGNMAPPINGPATH Stores the location of the dgnsetups.ini file where DGN mapping setups are stored.
GEOLATLONGFORMAT Controls the format of the latitude and longitude values in the Geographic Location dialog box, and the coordinate status bar in Geographic mode.
GEOMARKERVISIBILITY Controls the visibility of geographic markers.
HIDEXREFSCALES Controls the display of Xref scales. 0- Xref scales are displayed 1- Xref scales are hidden.
LAYERDLGMODE Sets the flavor of the Layer Properties Manager that will be defined for the use of the LAYER command. The LAYER command is mapped to execute either the CLASSICLAYER or LAYERPALETTE.
MENUBAR Controls the display of the menu bar.
MTEXTTOOLBAR Controls the display of the Text Formatting toolbar.
NAVSWHEELMODE Specifies the current mode of the SteeringWheels.
NAVSWHEELOPACITYBIG Controls the opacity of the big SteeringWheels.
NAVSWHEELOPACITYMINI Controls the size of the mini SteeringWheels.
NAVSWHEELSIZEBIG Specifies the size of the big SteeringWheels.
NAVSWHEELSIZEMINI Specifies the size of the mini SteeringWheels.
NAVSWHEELWALKSPEED Controls the speed of Walk from wheel.
NAVVCUBEDISPLAY Controls the display of the ViewCube on the canvas when the 3D graphic system is active.
NAVVCUBELOCATION Identifies the corner in a viewport where the ViewCube is displayed.
NAVVCUBEORIENT Controls whether the ViewCube reflects the current UCS or WCS.
NAVVCUBESIZE Controls the display size of the ViewCube.
NAVVCUBOPACITY Controls the opacity of the ViewCube when inactive.
OPENPARTIAL Controls whether whether a drawing can be worked on before it is fully open.
PREVIEWTYPE Specifies the view to use for the drawing thumbnail.
PUBLISHHATCH Controls whether hatch patterns published to DWF format (DWF File or DWFx File) are treated as a single object when opened in Autodesk Impression.
QPLOCATION Sets the location mode of Quick Properties panel.
QPMODE Sets the on or off state of Quick Properties panel.
QVDRAWINGPIN Controls the default display state of preview images of drawings.
QVLAYOUTPIN Controls the default display state of preview images of model space and layouts in a drawing.
RIBBONSTATE Indicates whether the ribbon palette is open or closed.
ROLLOVERTIPS Controls the display of object rollover tooltips in the application. The content in tooltips can be customized in the Customize User Interface (CUI) editor.
SHOWMOTIONPIN Controls the default display state of the thumbnail shots.
SHOWPALETTE This corresponds to the shortcut key (CTRL+SHIFT+H) to show or hide palettes.
STATUSBAR Controls the display of the application and drawing status bars.
THUMBSIZE Specifies the maximum generated size for thumbnail previews in pixels.

Changed System Variables

Changed System Variable Description
CROSSINGAREACOLOR Controls the color of the selection area during crossing selection. The valid range is 1 to 255. The SELECTIONAREA system variable must be on.
GRIPCOLOR Controls the color of nonselected grips. The valid range is 1 to 255.
GRIPHOT Controls the color of selected grips. The valid range is 1 to 255.
GRIPHOVER Controls the fill color of an unselected grip when the cursor pauses over it. The valid range is 1 to 255.
OSMODE Sets running object snaps.
TABLETOOLBAR Controls the display of the Table toolbar.
WINDOWAREACOLOR Controls the color of the transparent selection area during window selection. The valid range is 1 to 255. SELECTIONAREA must be on.