How to Create a Language File

AsTeRICS Language File Generator

How to Create a Language File

The language file is derived from the bundle-file of the ACS. By default, this file is called bundle.abd and can be found at the root folder of the ACS. This file has to be selected in the field Select Bundel File. Using Select destination, the target file has to be selected. Thsi can be an already existing or a new language file. If the file is already existing, it can be selected if the file should be overwritten, or if existing translations should be kept (by selecting Integrate in existing file). If Integrate in existing file is selected and a new file has be selected, a new file will automatically by created. The used charset is Unicode, so, also scpecial characters are possible.

Before creating the language file, constants can be translated in the tool. These constants will be part of each plugin, containing general plugin description phrases.