Apache Struts API Documentation: Package org.apache.struts.config

Apache Struts API

Package org.apache.struts.config

The "config" package contains configuration objects that correspond to elements that may be specified in the struts-config.xml module configuration file.

See:           Description

Interface Summary
ModuleConfig The collection of static configuration information that describes a Struts-based module.

Class Summary
ActionConfig A JavaBean representing the configuration information of an <action> element from a Struts module configuration file.
ActionConfigMatcher Matches paths against pre-compiled wildcard expressions pulled from action configs.
ActionFormBeanFactory An object creation factory which creates action form bean instances, taking into account the default class name, which may have been specified on the parent element and which is made available through the object on the top of the stack, which must be a org.apache.struts.config.ModuleConfig.
ActionForwardFactory An object creation factory which creates action forward instances, taking into account the default class name, which may have been specified on the parent element and which is made available through the object on the top of the stack, which must be a org.apache.struts.config.ModuleConfig.
ActionMappingFactory An object creation factory which creates action mapping instances, taking into account the default class name, which may have been specified on the parent element and which is made available through the object on the top of the stack, which must be a org.apache.struts.config.ModuleConfig.
AddDataSourcePropertyRule Class that calls addProperty() for the top object on the stack, which must be a org.apache.struts.config.DataSourceConfig.
ConfigRuleSet The set of Digester rules required to parse a Struts configuration file (struts-config.xml).
ControllerConfig A JavaBean representing the configuration information of a <controller> element in a Struts configuration file.
DataSourceConfig A JavaBean representing the configuration information of a <data-source> element from a Struts configuration file.
ExceptionConfig A JavaBean representing the configuration information of an <exception> element from a Struts configuration file.
FormBeanConfig A JavaBean representing the configuration information of a <form-bean> element in a Struts configuration file.
FormPropertyConfig A JavaBean representing the configuration information of a <form-property> element in a Struts configuration file.
ForwardConfig A JavaBean representing the configuration information of a <forward> element from a Struts configuration file.
GlobalForwardFactory An object creation factory which creates global forward instances, taking into account the default class name, which may have been specified on the parent element and which is made available through the object on the top of the stack, which must be a org.apache.struts.config.ModuleConfig.
MessageResourcesConfig A JavaBean representing the configuration information of a <message-resources> element in a Struts configuration file.
ModuleConfigFactory A factory interface for creating ModuleConfigs.
PlugInConfig A JavaBean representing the configuration information of a <plug-in> element in a Struts configuration file.
PlugInSetPropertyRule Class that records the name and value of a configuration property to be used in configuring a PlugIn instance when instantiated.
SetActionFormBeanClassRule Class that sets the name of the class to use when creating action form bean instances.
SetActionForwardClassRule Class that sets the name of the class to use when creating global forward instances.
SetActionMappingClassRule Class that sets the name of the class to use when creating action mapping instances.

Package org.apache.struts.config Description

The "config" package contains configuration objects that correspond to elements that may be specified in the struts-config.xml module configuration file.

Config UML

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