v3.1.1 (June 2014)
Generate a text or binary dump of a model.
This is the core component of Assimp's internal regression test suite but it could also be useful for other developers to quickly examine the contents of a model. Note that text dumps are not intended to be used as intermediate format, Assimp is not able to read them again, nor is the file format stable or well-defined. It may change with every revision without notice. Binary dumps (*.assbin) are backwards- and forwards-compatible.
Required. Relative or absolute path to the input model.
Optional. Relative or absolute path to write the output dump to. If it is omitted, the dump is written to <model>-dump.txt
Optional. If this switch is specified, the dumb is written in binary format. The long form of this parameter is –binary
Optional. If this switch is specified, the dumb is shortened to include only min/max values for all vertex components and animation channels. The resulting file is much smaller, but the original model can't be reconstructed from it. This is used by Assimp's regression test suite, comparing those minidumps provides a fast way to verify whether a loader works correctly or not. The long form of this parameter is –short
common parameters
Optional. Import configuration & postprocessing. See the common parameters page for more information.
Dumps 'test.3ds' to 'test.txt' after executing full post-processing on tehe imported data. The log output is included with the dump.
Dumps all loadable model files in the 'files' subdir. The output dumps are named <mode-file>-dump.txt
. The log is not included.
Generated on Sat Jun 14 2014 18:58:46 for Tools by