Index Options
To set index options
- Select Optimize SQL | Index Generation | Options.
Review the following for additional information:
Option Description Retrieve index selectivity by sampling a maximum number of records:
Enter the maximum number of records to retrieve for selectivity sampling. Maximum number of columns in a composite index:
Enter the maximum number of columns in a composite index.
Range: 1 to 99
Maximum number of indexes in an index set:
Enter the maximum number of indexes in an index set.
Range: 1 to 99
Evaluate columns in SELECT list:
Select to evaluate creating an index on columns in the SELECT list. Quota Description Index Generation Quota:
Enter the maximum number of indexes to generate.
Range: 10 to 9999
Index Set Generation Quota:
Enter the maximum number of index sets to generate by combining two or more indexes.
Range: 1 to 99,999
Index Prefix Description Default prefix of index name:
Enter the prefix placed on the index name when SQL Optimizer generates index candidates.
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