Overview of Color Schemes


SecureCRT allows you to customize the foreground and background colors of both normal and bold text attributes. The foreground and background colors are defined in what is called a " color scheme A combination of session settings that specify a variety of colors associated with the terminal window, including foreground and background. " which can then be customized and assigned to a session A session is a set of options that are assigned to a connection to a remote machine. These settings and options are saved under a session name and allow the user to have different preferences for different hosts. . SecureCRT comes with a number of predefined color schemes. SecureCRT also allows you to create any number of personalized color schemes.

Note: If ANSI color is enabled for a session, the color scheme specified by the session will not be used. For information on how to enable, disable, or customize ANSI color settings, see the ANSI color settings in the Global Options and Session Options dialogs.