Lists Property

Microsoft FrontPage Visual Basic

Lists Property

Returns a Lists collection object that represents a collection of all lists in a Web site. A list can be a DocumentLibrary object, a BasicList object, or a Survey object.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a WebEx object.


The following example returns a reference to the Lists collection using the Lists property for the active Web site. The example displays the name of each list in the collection.

    Sub ViewLists()
'Returns a collection of all lists in the Web site

    Dim objApp As FrontPage.Application
    Dim objWeb As WebEx
    Dim objlists As Lists
    Dim objlist As List
    Set objApp = FrontPage.Application
    Set objWeb = objApp.ActiveWeb
    'Reference the Lists collection
    Set objlists = objWeb.Lists
    'Display the name of each list in the Lists collection
    For i = 1 To objlists.Count
        MsgBox "The name of the list is " & objlists.Item(i).Name
    Next i

End Sub