CinemachineBlendListCamera Fields


CinemachineBlendListCamera Fields

The CinemachineBlendListCamera type exposes the following members.

Public fieldCinemachineGUIDebuggerCallback
This is deprecated. It is here to support the soon-to-be-removed Cinemachine Debugger in the Editor.
(Inherited from CinemachineVirtualCameraBase.)
Public fieldm_ChildCameras
Internal API for the editor. Do not use this field
Public fieldm_EnableAllChildCameras
Force all child cameras to be enabled. This is useful if animating them in Timeline, but consumes extra resources.
Public fieldm_ExcludedPropertiesInInspector
Inspector control - Use for hiding sections of the Inspector UI.
(Inherited from CinemachineVirtualCameraBase.)
Public fieldm_Follow
Default object for the camera children wants to move with (the body target), if not specified in a child rig. May be empty
Public fieldm_Instructions
The set of instructions associating virtual cameras with states. The set of instructions for enabling child cameras
Public fieldm_LockStageInInspector
Inspector control - Use for enabling sections of the Inspector UI.
(Inherited from CinemachineVirtualCameraBase.)
Public fieldm_LookAt
Default object for the camera children to look at (the aim target), if not specified in a child rig. May be empty
Public fieldm_Priority
The priority will determine which camera becomes active based on the state of other cameras and this camera. Higher numbers have greater priority.
(Inherited from CinemachineVirtualCameraBase.)
Public fieldm_ShowDebugText
When enabled, the current camera and blend will be indicated in the game window, for debugging
Protected fieldOnPostPipelineStage
A delegate to hook into the state calculation pipeline. Implementaion must be sure to call this after each pipeline stage, to allow other services to hook into the pipeline. See CinemachineCore.Stage.
(Inherited from CinemachineVirtualCameraBase.)
See Also