AudioController Class

Audio Toolkit

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The audio managing class used to define and play audio items and categories.

Namespace: (Default Namespace)
Assembly: AudioToolkit (in AudioToolkit.dll) Version: (


public class AudioController : SingletonMonoBehaviour<AudioController>, 


At least one instance of an AudioController must exist in each scene using the Audio Toolkit. Usually there is exactly one controller, but you can have additional controllers if they are marked as such (in the Unity insepector, see isAdditionalAudioController) There a two options when setting up an AudioController. Either you can specify all audio files that are used in your entire project in one single AudioController. Then add this AudioController to your initial scene and set it persistent from within the inspector, so it will survive when a new scene is loaded. This way all audios are accessible from within your entire application. If you have a lot of audio files though, this may lead to a lengthy loading time and will have a rather large memory footprint. To avoid this, you can alternatively set up a specific AudioController for each scene which only contains those audio files needed in the particular scene.


Once you have defined your audio categories and items in the Unity inspector you can play music and sound effects very easily:
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AudioController.Play( "MySoundEffect1" );
AudioController.Play( "MySoundEffect2", new Vector3( posX, posY, posZ ) );
AudioController.PlayMusic( "MusicTrack1" );
AudioController.SetCategoryVolume( "Music", 0.5f );

Inheritance Hierarchy

          (Default Namespace)..::..SingletonMonoBehaviour<(Of <(<'AudioController>)>)>
            (Default Namespace)..::..AudioController

See Also