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Theme Switcher Widget

If you have a demo page using the jQuery UI CSS Framework, you can easily add our theme switcher widget to your page to show off a variety of themes. This is also very useful for development as it can reveal areas where your CSS is not quite flexible enough to be fully themeable using our framework.

To put a Theme Switcher Widget on any page, simply add a script tag referencing our plugin and call themeswitcher(); on any element to which you'd like to append the widget. Here's a code sample:

Theme Switcher Widget


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="http://jqueryui.com/themes/base/ui.all.css" />
  <script type="text/javascript" src="http://jqueryui.com/js/jquery.js"></script>
<body style="font-size:62.5%;">
<script type="text/javascript"
<div id="switcher"></div>


Available Options

The Theme Switcher Widget has several options available for customizing the widget to work best on your page.


Name Type Default
loadTheme String Default: null

Load a theme as soon as the switcher loads. String must match the name of a theme in the switcher menu.

height Number Default: 200

Sets the height of the switcher menu.

width Number Default: 150

Sets the width of the switcher menu.

initialText String Default: 'Switch Theme'

Sets the initial text in the widget button before a theme has been chosen.

buttonPreText String Default: 'Theme: '

Sets the text in the widget button that precedes the theme name when a theme is chosen.

closeOnSelect Boolean Default: true

Close the switcher menu when a theme is selected.

buttonHeight Number Default: 14

Height of switcher button.

cookieName String Default: 'jquery-ui-theme'

The name of the cookie that the switcher will set for your domain. Once a theme has been selected, it will be remembered on future loads.

onOpen Function Default: null

Callback function to be executed whenever the switcher menu opens.

onClose Function Default: null

Callback function to be executed whenever the switcher menu closes.

onSelect Function Default: null

Callback function to be executed whenever a theme is selected.