jQuery.parseXML( data ) Returns: XMLDocument
Description: Parses a string into an XML document.
version added: 1.5jQuery.parseXML( data )
dataa well-formed XML string to be parsed
uses the native parsing function of the browser to create a valid XML Document. This document can then be passed to jQuery
to create a typical jQuery object that can be traversed and manipulated.
Create a jQuery object using an XML string and obtain the value of the title node.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7rc2.js"></script>
<p id="someElement"></p>
<p id="anotherElement"></p>
var xml = "<rss version='2.0'><channel><title>RSS Title</title></channel></rss>",
xmlDoc = $.parseXML( xml ),
$xml = $( xmlDoc ),
$title = $xml.find( "title" );
/* append "RSS Title" to #someElement */
$( "#someElement" ).append( $title.text() );
/* change the title to "XML Title" */
$title.text( "XML Title" );
/* append "XML Title" to #anotherElement */
$( "#anotherElement" ).append( $title.text() );