jQuery & jQuery UI Documentation

jQuery & jQuery UI


deferred.notifyWith( context [, args] ) Returns: Deferred

Description: Call the progressCallbacks on a Deferred object with the given context and args.

  • version added: 1.7deferred.notifyWith( context [, args] )

    context Context passed to the progressCallbacks as the this object.

    args Optional arguments that are passed to the progressCallbacks.

Normally, only the creator of a Deferred should call this method; you can prevent other code from changing the Deferred's state or reporting status by returning a restricted Promise object through deferred.promise().

When deferred.notifyWith is called, any progressCallbacks added by deferred.then or deferred.progress are called. Callbacks are executed in the order they were added. Each callback is passed the args from the .notifyWith(). Any calls to .notifyWith() after a Deferred is resolved or rejected (or any progressCallbacks added after that) are ignored. For more information, see the documentation for Deferred object.