Texture Register Modifiers


Microsoft Directx 8.1 (pixel shader version 1.4)

Texture Register Modifiers for texld and texcrd

Two pixel shader version 1.4 texture address instructions, texld and texcrd, have custom syntax. These instructions support their own set of source register modifiers, source register selectors, and destination-register write masks, as shown below.

Source Register Modifiers for texld and texcrd

These modifiers provide projective divide functionality by dividing the x and y values by either the z or w values.

Source register modifiers Description Syntax Version
_dz Divide x,y components by z source register_dz 1.4
_db source register_db 1.4
_dw Divide x,y components by w source register_dw 1.4
_da source register_da 1.4


Source register. For more about register types, see Registers.


The _dz or _db modifier does the following:

x' = x/z ( x' = 1.0 if z == 0)
y' = y/z ( y' = 1.0 if z == 0)
z' is undefined
w' is undefined

The _dw or _da modifier does the following:

x' = x/w ( x' = 1.0 if w == 0)
y' = y/w ( y' = 1.0 if w == 0)
z' is undefined
w' is undefined

Note  For pixel shader version 1.4, the D3DTTFF_PROJECTED flag under D3DTSS_TEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS is ignored because a projective divide is accomplished by the source register modifiers listed previously.

Source Register Selectors for texld and texcrd

Selectors replicate the contents of one channel into other channels. Replicating the contents of a channel to one or more other channels is commonly referred to as "swizzling."

Source register selectors Description Syntax Version
xyz Maps x,y,z data to channels x,y,z,z source register.xyz 1.4
rgb source register.rgb 1.4
xyw Maps x,y,w data to channels x,y,w,w source register.xyw 1.4
rga source register.rga 1.4


Source register. For more about register types, see Registers.


The texld and texcrd instructions never read more than the first three components. So, these selectors provide the option of taking the third component from either the third or the fourth component of the source register.

Destination Register Write Masks for texld and texcrd

Write masks control which channels (red, green, blue, alpha) are updated in the destination register.

Destination register write masks Description Syntax Used by Version
xyzw Updates the x,y,z,w channels destination register.xyzw texld only 1.4
rgba destination register.rgba texld only 1.4
none destination register texld only 1.4
xyz Updates the x,y,z channels destination register.xyz texcrd only 1.4
rgb destination register.rgb texcrd only 1.4
xy Updates the x,y channels destination register.xy texcrd only 1.4
rg destination register.rg texcrd only 1.4


Destination register. For more about register types, see Registers.