CheckExe method
function TOgProtectExe.CheckExe(Report : Boolean) : TExeStatus;
TExeStatus = (exeSuccess, exeSizeError, exeIntegrityError, exeNotStamped);

TurboPack OnGuard FMX

CheckExe method

function TOgProtectExe.CheckExe(Report : Boolean) : TExeStatus;

TExeStatus = (exeSuccess, exeSizeError, exeIntegrityError, exeNotStamped);

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CheckExe method

function TOgProtectExe.CheckExe(Report : Boolean) : TExeStatus;

TExeStatus = (exeSuccess, exeSizeError, exeIntegrityError, exeNotStamped);

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_bm1                CheckExe tests to see if the executable file was altered.

If Report is True, the result of the test is reported by triggering the OnChecked event. If Report is False, you must check the function result.

The result of calling CheckExe is one of the following values:


 executable file has not changed.


 size of the executable file changed.


 or more bytes in the executable changed.


 The executable is not stamped with the CRC and size information.

See also: OnChecked