OnGetKey event
property TOgCodeBase.OnGetKey : TGetKeyEvent
TGetKeyEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; var Key : TKey) of object;

TurboPack OnGuard FMX

OnGetKey event

property TOgCodeBase.OnGetKey : TGetKeyEvent

TGetKeyEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; var Key : TKey) of object;

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OnGetKey event

property TOgCodeBase.OnGetKey : TGetKeyEvent

TGetKeyEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; var Key : TKey) of object;

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         OnGetKey defines an event handler that is called to get the key.

Sender is the instance of the release code component.

The key should always be stored as a constant in the application and never stored in the form, a file, or the registry. Putting the key anywhere except in the application increases the chances that someone will find and be able to use it to decode the release code.