
TurboPack OnGuard FMX


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Used to determine what factors are gathered to generate a machine identifier.


TEsMachineInfoSet = set of (midUser, midSystem, midNetwork, midDrives, midCPUID, midCPUIDJCL, midBIOS, midWinProd, midCryptoID, midNetMAC, midDomain);  


Defined in ogutil unit.

Added in version 1.05.

Added in version 1.15: midCPUID, midCPUIDJCL, midBIOS, midWinProd, midCryptoID, midNetMAC, midDomain


Used by CreateMachineID function.


To maintain compatibility with version 1.13, the midUser, midSystem, midNetwork, and midDrives code has not been altered.

New factors were added instead.

Refer to the CreateMachineID function for platform specific usage.


The midCPUID factor is intended for fetching basic CPU identification.

The midCPUIDJCL factor is intended for fetching enhanced CPU identification via the JCLSysInfo routines.

The midBIOS factor is intended for fetching basic BIOS identifiers.

The midWinProd factor is intended for fetching Microsoft Windows product identifiers.

The midCryptoID factor is intended for fetching machine specific cryptography identifiers.

The midNetMAC factor is intended for fetching the MAC addresses of known network adapters.

The midDomain factor is intended for fetching the machine's domain membership.