SyRen Simplified Serial Library for Arduino: Sweep/Sweep.ino

SyRen Simplified Serial Library for Arduino

SyRen Simplified Serial Library for Arduino
Control your SyRen with Simplified Serial.

Sweeps from full reverse to full forward and then from full forward to full reverse.

// Sweep Sample
// Copyright (c) 2012 Dimension Engineering LLC
// See license.txt for license details.
#include <SyRenSimplified.h>
SyRenSimplified SR; // We'll name the SyRen object SR.
// For how to configure the SyRen, see the DIP Switch Wizard for
// Be sure to select Simplified Serial Mode for use with this library.
// This sample uses a baud rate of 9600.
// Connections to make:
// Arduino TX->1 -> SyRen S1
// Arduino GND -> SyRen 0V
// Arduino VIN -> SyRen 5V (OPTIONAL, if you want the SyRen to power the Arduino)
// If you want to use a pin other than TX->1, see the SoftwareSerial example.
void setup()
SyRenTXPinSerial.begin(9600); // This is the baud rate you chose with the DIP switches.
void loop()
int power;
// Ramp motor from -127 to 127 (full reverse to full forward),
// waiting 20 ms (1/50th of a second) per value.
for (power = -127; power <= 127; power ++)
// Now go back the way we came.
for (power = 127; power >= -127; power --)