Adobe Photoshop CS5 Object Library JS: RasterizeType

Photoshop CS5

 The type of the layer content to rasterize.


RasterizeType.ENTIRELAYERRasterizes all vector data on the layer. int 5
RasterizeType.FILLCONTENTRasterizes the fill of a shape layer, leaving the vector mask. int 3
RasterizeType.LAYERCLIPPINGPATHRasterizes the vector mask of a shape layer, turning it into a layer mask. int 4
RasterizeType.LINKEDLAYERSRasterizes the selected layers. int 6
RasterizeType.SHAPERasterizes a shape layer. int 2
RasterizeType.TEXTCONTENTSRasterizes the type on a type layer. Doesn't rasterize any other vector data on the layer. int 1


In function

void ArtLayer.rasterize (target: RasterizeType)

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