Adobe Photoshop CS5 Object Library JS: PrintEncoding

Photoshop CS5

 Encoding to use when printing PostScript.


PrintEncoding.ASCIIASCII85 encoding. ASCII85 files contain about twice as many characters and take twice as long to transfer as binary files. int 3
PrintEncoding.BINARYBinary encoding. Some print spooler programs, computer networks, and third-party printer drivers don't support binary files. int 1
PrintEncoding.JPEGJPEG encoding. JPEG-encoded files are smaller than binary files and take less time to print; however, image quality is decreased. Only PostScrpt Level 2 or higher printers support JPEG encoding. Some print spooler programs, computer networks, and third-party printer drivers don't support JPEG-encoded files. int 2


In function

void Document.print ([postScriptEncoding: PrintEncoding=PrintEncoding.BINARY][, sourceSpace: SourceSpaceType=SourceSpaceType.DOCUMENT][, printSpace: string][, intent: Intent=Intent.RELATIVECOLORIMETRIC][, blackPointCompensation: bool=true])

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