Adobe Photoshop CS5 Object Library JS: DocumentMode

Photoshop CS5

 The document's color mode.


DocumentMode.BITMAPBitmap, which uses one of two color values (black or white) to represent the pixels in an image. int 5
DocumentMode.CMYKCMYK. int 3
DocumentMode.DUOTONEDuotone mode, which creates monotone, duotone (two-color), tritone (three-color), and quadtone (four-color) grayscale images using one to four custom inks. int 8
DocumentMode.GRAYSCALEGrayscale. int 1
DocumentMode.INDEXEDCOLORIndexed color, in which the number of colors in the image is at most 256, the standard number of colors supported by the GIF and PNG-8 formats and many multimedia applications. int 6
DocumentMode.LABLab. int 4
DocumentMode.MULTICHANNELImage with multiple color channels. int 7
DocumentMode.RGBRGB. int 2


As property


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