Adobe Photoshop CS5 Object Library JS: GalleryOptions

Photoshop CS5



 Deprecated for Adobe Photoshop CS3, the make photo gallery method has moved to Bridge.


addSizeAttributesbool r/wAdd width and height attributes for images. (default: true)
bannerOptionsGalleryBannerOptions r/wOptions related to banner settings.
customColorOptionsGalleryCustomColorOptions r/wOptions related to custom color settings.
emailAddressstring r/wThe email address to show on the web page. (default: )
imagesOptionsGalleryImagesOptions r/wOptions related to images settings.
includeSubFoldersbool r/wInclude all files found in sub folders of the input folder. (default: true)
layoutStylestring r/wThe style to use for laying out the web page. (default: Centered Frame 1 - Basic)
preserveAllMetadatabool r/wSave all of the metadata in the JPEG files. (default: false)
securityOptionsGallerySecurityOptions r/wOptions related to security settings.
thumbnailOptionsGalleryThumbnailOptions r/wOptions related to thumbnail settings.
useShortExtensionbool r/wShort web page extension .htm or long web page extension .html. (default: true)
useUTF8Encodingbool r/wWeb page should use UTF-8 encoding. (default: false)

Used in:

string Application.makePhotoGallery (inputFolder: any, outputFolder: File[, options: GalleryOptions])

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