Adobe Photoshop CS5 Object Library JS: DICOMOpenOptions

Photoshop CS5



 Options for opening a DICOM document. Base Class: OpenOptions


anonymizebool r/wIf true, patient information is anonymized.
columnsint r/wThe number of columns in an n-up configuration.
reversebool r/wIf true, the image is inverted.
rowsint r/wThe number of rows in an n-up configuration.
showOverlaysbool r/wIf true, overlays are shown (if present).
windowLevelint r/wThe contrast of the image in Houndsfield units.
windowWidthint r/wThe brightness of the image in Houndsfield units.
Jongware, 28-Aug-2012 v3.0.3iContents :: Index