(Command line usage examples)

Packing List Builder

Command line usage examples:
  1. Create an HXP file with GUI. When this command line is started, PLB opens a main window with populated properties. You can edit them and press "Save file".  

    PackingListBuilder.exe -n --name "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456" --title "GDBSVR rs232" --company Hypercom --destination GDB -m "Desktop Application" --main Load.vbs CorrectCreateFile.hxp ..\Files\DownloadFileAll.vbs ..\Files\Init.vbs ..\Files\Load.vbs ..\Files\Load_00000001.vbs

    Please note that in command line input files are allowed with relative paths.

  2. Create an HXP file without showing GUI

    PackingListBuilder.exe -n -g -l myfile.err --name "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234" --title "GDBSVR rs232" --company Hypercom --destination GDB -m "Desktop Application" --main Load.vbs CorrectCreateFile.hxp ..\Files\DownloadFileAll.vbs ..\Files\Init.vbs ..\Files\Load.vbs ..\Files\Load_00000001.vbs

    Please note that no error messages will appear on the screen. In case of any errors (PLB will return 1), please review the log file. In this example, the log file name is "myfile.err".

    To avoid questions like "Icon file not specified, save file anyway?" please specify -s ("silent mode") command line option.

  3. Create an HXP file using template XML file.

    PackingListBuilder.exe -n -g -l "Template.err" -x TestTemplates.xml ByTemplates.hxp

    To create a template file from any HXP file, open HXP file with PLB tool and choose "Export XML" option under "File" menu.

  4. Create an HXP file with Dependency List and not showing GUI.

    PackingListBuilder.exe -n -g -l myfile.err --dependencylist "12345" --name "12345678901234567890123456789" --title "GDBSVR rs232" --company Hypercom --destination GDB -m "Desktop Application" --main Load.vbs CorrectCreateFile.hxp ..\Files\DownloadFileAll.vbs ..\Files\Init.vbs ..\Files\Load.vbs ..\Files\Load_00000001.vbs

  5. To update existing HXP file

    PackingListBuilder.exe /update -l test.err CorrectCreateFile.hxp
    PackingListBuilder.exe -u -g -l test.err CorrectCreateFile.hxp

    Please note that the "/update" option still exists to have compability with previous versions of PLB.