00001 /*! \mainpage Introduction
00002 <div class="mainpage">
00003 <!-- This is the index.html page that the user first sees. -->
00005 <p>The Feature Data Objects (FDO) API provides access to data in a
00006 data store. A provider is a specific implementation of the FDO API
00007 that provides access to data in a particular data store. The
00008 Autodesk FDO Provider for Oracle provides FDO with access to an
00009 Oracle-based data store.
00010 </p>
00012 <p>You can create, edit, and delete Oracle data stores and schema, and you can
00013 access existing spatial schemas in Oracle that were created by other
00014 applications. Oracle has comprehensive support for all the data types and
00015 operations that are supported by Autodesk products, including spatial index,
00016 long transactions, and persistent locking.
00017 </p>
00019 <p>Before you add features to an Oracle data store, make sure your user
00020 privileges for that Oracle data store are adequate and appropriate, and that the
00021 data in that data store is accurate and current.
00022 </p>
00024 <p>An Oracle schema can support the following:
00025 </p>
00026 <ul>
00027 <li>Inheritance
00028 <li>Multiple schemas
00029 <li>Object properties
00030 <li>Association properties
00031 <li>Schema overrrides
00032 <li>Auto ID generation
00033 <li>Data store scope unique ID generation
00034 <li>Inclusive value range constraints
00035 <li>Exclusive value range constraints
00036 <li>Value constraints list
00037 <li>Null value constraints
00038 <li>Unique value constraints
00039 <li>Composite unique value constraints
00040 <li>Spatial contexts
00041 <li>These geometry types: point, line string, polygon,multi-point, multi-line
00042 string, multi-polygon, curve string, curve polygon, multi-curve string,
00043 multi-curve polygon, linear ring, line string segment, circular arc segment,
00044 and ring.
00045 </ul>
00047 <p> When you create an Oracle schema, the following restrictions apply:
00048 </p>
00049 <ul>
00050 <li>A feature class must define or inherit at least one identity property.
00051 <li>You cannot specify default values for data properties.
00052 <li>You cannot add a non-nullable data property to a class that already has data.
00053 <li>Identity properties cannot be nullable.
00054 <li>Read-only identity properties must be autogenerated.
00055 <li>The length for string properties must be between 1 and 4000 bytes inclusive.
00056 <li>For decimal properties, precision must be between 1 and 38 inclusive and
00057 scale must be between -84 and 127 inclusive.
00058 <li>A feature class can have multiple geometric properties; main geometry is
00059 not mandatory, but this attribute of the feature class indicates which
00060 geometry property to use as the default for queries and rendering. HasMeasure
00061 and HasElevation are supported.
00062 </ul>
00064 <p>You can add a user for an Oracle data store using the FDO User Manager
00065 utility.
00066 </p>
00068 <p>
00069 For more information, see <i>The Essential FDO</i> (FET_TheEssentialFDO.pdf)
00070 and the <i>FDO Developer's Guide</i> (FDG_FDODevGuide.pdf).
00071 </p>
00073 <br>
00074 </div>
00076 \section version_scripts Version Enabling
00077 <p>The Autodesk FDO Provider for Oracle creates tables in the FDO data store
00078 that are not automatically version-enabled. Therefore, when you create a new
00079 Oracle data store using the default options, the resulting table is not
00080 version-enabled, so persistent locking and long transactions are not supported.
00081 (This differs from previous releases.)
00082 </p>
00084 <p>Oracle Workspace Manager (OWM) is used for versioning and persistent locking
00085 support. To enable versioning, you must execute the <i>EnableVersioning.sql</i>
00086 script in the /FDO/bin/com folder of the Autodesk product install folder. This
00087 will enable the tables for OWM. Use the Oracle SQL*Plus tool to execute the
00088 scripts.
00089 </p>
00091 \note
00092 If you create a data store in AutoCAD Map 3D 2008 that you want to use with the
00093 previous version of Autodesk Map 3D, you must set the value of the lock and
00094 long transaction options in the table F_Options in the generated data store to 2.
00095 You can do this with the supplied SQL script <i>EnableVersioning.sql</i>, which
00096 also enables versioning for all tables and allows the creation of conditional
00097 data. Do not make this change to F_Options in the database if you do not plan to
00098 use it with the previous version of Autodesk Map 3D.
00100 <p>Read the documentation contained within the script files themselves to
00101 determine what privileges are required for each script, how to run the scripts,
00102 and what errors may occur. Severe consequences can occur if you respond
00103 incorrectly to any errors you encounter while running a script.
00104 </p>
00106 \note
00107 The <i>DisableVersioning.sql</i> script in the same folder provides the
00108 opposite functionality.
00110 <p><b>Before executing the scripts, the following conditions must be true:</b>
00111 </p>
00112 <ul>
00113 <li>You always connect directly to the Oracle user (or FDO data store)
00114 to be processed.
00115 <li>The Oracle user executing the script has sufficient privileges (this user
00116 has been granted the Workspace Manager role WM_ADMIN_ROLE).
00117 <li>The Oracle user executing the script is the only user processing or
00118 accessing the current Oracle user (or FDO data store) during the execution of
00119 the script. Otherwise, a script failure may result from a session conflict.
00120 </ul>
00122 <p>
00123 You can create a script log file by executing the <i>spool [log file name];</i>
00124 command before invoking the scripts and the <i>spool off;</i> command after
00125 the invoked script finishes. The log file can help you resolve any issues
00126 encountered by the scripts.
00127 <p>
00130 \section loc_sec Localization
00131 <p>A locale is defined as a linguistic and cultural environment in which a
00132 system or program is running.
00133 </p>
00135 \note
00136 If you plan to localize Autodesk FDO Provider for Oracle,
00137 you must be aware of the following connection string parameters:
00138 <ul>
00139 <li> Username
00140 <li> Password
00141 <li> Service
00142 </ul>
00143 <p>For example, these connection string parameters are used in
00144 the FDO Data Connect dialog box. These string parameters are specific to the
00145 FDO Provider for Oracle and are globalized in the
00146 coremsg.dll binary. They are <b>not</b> localized.
00147 </p>
00149 <p><b>Globalization Support</b></p>
00151 <p>Using Oracle's globalization support, you can store, process,
00152 and retrieve data in native languages. Setting specific
00153 Oracle environment parameters is the simplest way to specify the
00154 locale behavior for Oracle software. These settings can
00155 include the Oracle clients character set, which is also the
00156 character set for data entered or displayed by a client
00157 program.
00158 </p>
00160 \note
00161 You must ensure that you have the Oracle server and client
00162 globalization settings that are specified to the desired locale, as
00163 described in the Oracle documentation.
00165 <p>Also note that AutoCAD Map 3D, for example, relies on the
00166 Windows locale for character display.
00167 <p>
00168 <br>
00170 */