Get/Set/Reset AI_ChanCal_Table_ScaledVals

NI-DAQmx C Properties

Get/Set/Reset AI_ChanCal_Table_ScaledVals

int32 __CFUNC DAQmxGetAIChanCalTableScaledVals(TaskHandle taskHandle, const char channel[], float64 *data, uInt32 arraySizeInSamples);

int32 __CFUNC DAQmxSetAIChanCalTableScaledVals(TaskHandle taskHandle, const char channel[], float64 *data, uInt32 arraySizeInSamples);

int32 __CFUNC DAQmxResetAIChanCalTableScaledVals(TaskHandle taskHandle, const char channel[]);


DAQmxGetAIChanCalTableScaledVals gets the Analog Input >> General Properties >> Channel Calibration >> Scaling Parameters >> Table >> Scaled Values property.

DAQmxSetAIChanCalTableScaledVals sets the Analog Input >> General Properties >> Channel Calibration >> Scaling Parameters >> Table >> Scaled Values property.

DAQmxResetAIChanCalTableScaledVals resets the Analog Input >> General Properties >> Channel Calibration >> Scaling Parameters >> Table >> Scaled Values property.