Storage Client Library for Windows Runtime (Version 7.0)


Determines if the operation should be retried and how long to wait until the next retry.

Namespace:   Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.RetryPolicies
Assembly:  Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage (in Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll)


public bool ShouldRetry(
	int currentRetryCount,
	int statusCode,
	Exception lastException,
	out TimeSpan retryInterval,
	OperationContext operationContext
virtual bool ShouldRetry(
	int currentRetryCount,
	int statusCode,
	Exception^ lastException,
	[OutAttribute] TimeSpan% retryInterval,
	OperationContext^ operationContext
) sealed
abstract ShouldRetry : 
        currentRetryCount:int *
        statusCode:int *
        lastException:Exception *
        retryInterval:TimeSpan byref *
        operationContext:OperationContext -> bool
override ShouldRetry : 
        currentRetryCount:int *
        statusCode:int *
        lastException:Exception *
        retryInterval:TimeSpan byref *
        operationContext:OperationContext -> bool
Public Function ShouldRetry (
	currentRetryCount As Integer,
	statusCode As Integer,
	lastException As Exception,
	<OutAttribute> ByRef retryInterval As TimeSpan,
	operationContext As OperationContext
) As Boolean


Type: System.Int32System::Int32System.Int32System.Int32

An integer specifying the number of retries for the given operation. A value of zero signifies this is the first error encountered.

Type: System.Int32System::Int32System.Int32System.Int32

An integer containing the status code for the last operation.

Type: System.ExceptionSystem::Exception^System.ExceptionSystem.Exception

An Exception object that represents the last exception encountered.

Type: System.TimeSpanSystem::TimeSpan%System.TimeSpanSystem.TimeSpan

A TimeSpan indicating the interval to wait until the next retry.

Type: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.OperationContextMicrosoft.WindowsAzure.Storage::OperationContext^Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.OperationContextMicrosoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.OperationContext

An OperationContext object that represents the context for the current operation.

Return Value

Type: System.BooleanSystem::BooleanSystem.BooleanSystem.Boolean

true if the operation should be retried; otherwise, false.

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