Source-code topic template

Microsoft HTML Help

Source-code topic template

To copy the template, select the text from the <!DOCTYPE> tag to the </HTML> end tag, right-click, and then click Copy:


<title>Example topic that contains source code</title>


<h1>Enter heading for a topic that contains a source code example here</h1>

<p>Open each HTML file you want to contain a source code example and add the <CODE> </CODE> tags to the code. For individual HTML tags, you can type & followed by lt; on the left side of the tag and & followed by gt; on the right side of the tag (the example below shows how these should appear around an HTML tag). This code appears in a browser as greater than and less than symbols ().</p>

<p>This is a way to imitate HTML tags without having the tags used when the page is opened in a browser. The following is an example format for extended code examples: </p>

&lt;STYLE&gt; BODY { font-family: times, serif; color: black; margin-left: 10%; margin-right: 10%; } A:link {color: black; text-decoration: underline } A:visited { color: black; text-decoration: none} &lt;/STYLE&gt;


Home page link Example: Help authoring templates