Comment Statements

Microsoft Office JScript

Microsoft® JScript® Comment Statements
 Language Reference 
Version 1 

Causes comments to be ignored by the JScript parser.
Syntax 1
Single-line Comment:
// comment
Syntax 2
Multiline Comment:

The comment argument is the text of any comment you want to include in your script.

Syntax 3
Syntax 4

The CondStatement argument is conditional compilation code to be used if conditional compilation is activated. If Syntax 3 is used, there can be no space between the "//" and "@" characters.

Use comments to keep parts of a script from being read by the JScript parser. You can use comments to include explanatory remarks in a program.

If Syntax 1 is used, the parser ignores any text between the comment marker and the end of the line. If Syntax 2 is used, it ignores any text between the beginning and end markers.

Syntaxes 3 and 4 are used to support conditional compilation while retaining compatibility with browsers that do not support that feature. These browsers treat those forms of comments as syntaxes 1 and 2 respectively.

The following example illustrates the most common uses of the comment statement:

function myfunction(arg1, arg2)
  /* This is a multiline comment that
     can span as many lines as necessary. */
  var r;
  // This is a single line comment.
  r = arg1 + arg2; // Sum the two arguments.