GROUP BY Clause (Microsoft Jet SQL)

Microsoft Jet SQL Reference


Combines records with identical values in the specified field list into a single record. A summary value is created for each record if you include an SQL aggregate function, such as Sum or Count, in the SELECT statement.


SELECT fieldlist
    FROM table
    WHERE criteria
    [GROUP BY groupfieldlist]

A SELECT statement containing a GROUP BY clause has these parts:

Part Description
fieldlist The name of the field or fields to be retrieved along with any field-name aliases, SQL aggregate functions, selection predicates (ALL, DISTINCT, DISTINCTROW, or TOP), or other SELECT statement options.
table The name of the table from which records are retrieved. For more information, see the FROM clause.
criteria Selection criteria. If the statement includes a WHERE clause, the Microsoft Jet database engine groups values after applying the WHERE conditions to the records.
groupfieldlist The names of up to 10 fields used to group records. The order of the field names in groupfieldlist determines the grouping levels from the highest to the lowest level of grouping.


GROUP BY is optional.

Summary values are omitted if there is no SQL aggregate function in the SELECT statement.

Null values in GROUP BY fields are grouped and are not omitted. However, Null values are not evaluated in any SQL aggregate function.

Use the WHERE clause to exclude rows you do not want grouped, and use the HAVING clause to filter records after they have been grouped.

Unless it contains Memo or OLE Object data, a field in the GROUP BY field list can refer to any field in any table listed in the FROM clause, even if the field is not included in the SELECT statement, provided the SELECT statement includes at least one SQL aggregate function. The Microsoft® Jet database engine cannot group on Memo or OLE Object fields.

All fields in the SELECT field list must either be included in the GROUP BY clause or be included as arguments to an SQL aggregate function.

See Also
ALL DISTINCT, DISTINCTROW, TOP Predicates (Microsoft Jet SQL) SELECT Statement (Microsoft Jet SQL)
FROM Clause (Microsoft Jet SQL) SELECT...INTO Statement (Microsoft Jet SQL)
HAVING Clause (Microsoft Jet SQL) SQL Aggregate Functions (SQL)
ORDER BY Clause (Microsoft Jet SQL) WHERE Clause (Microsoft Jet SQL)


GROUP BY Clause Example