/* IupGetAttribute/Int/Float Example Uses IupGetAttribute/IupGetInt and IupGetFloat to print a number entered by the user. The printing will occur when the user exits the program. The number will be printed as an integer, a floating point and a text. */ #include /* strchr */ #include /* iscntrl */ #include "iup.h" #include "iupkey.h" int acao_numero (Ihandle *self, int c) { static char caracteres_validos[]="0123456789.+-Ee"; if (c == K_CR) /* replaces TAB for ENTER */ return K_TAB; else if (strchr (caracteres_validos, c)) /* c is a valid character */ return IUP_DEFAULT; else if (iscntrl(c)) /* c is a control character (TAB, BACKSPACE, ...) */ return IUP_DEFAULT; return IUP_IGNORE; } void main (void) { Ihandle *campo; /* TEXT interface element */ Ihandle *mensagem; /* LABEL interface element */ Ihandle *prompt; /* box containing the message and the field */ Ihandle* dlg; IupOpen(); /* initializes IUP */ campo = IupText("acao_numero"); /* creates TEXT field */ IupSetFunction ("acao_numero", (Icallback)acao_numero); /* registers callback */ IupSetAttribute (campo, IUP_VALUE, "1.0"); /* defines initial value */ mensagem = IupLabel("Entre com um número: "); /* creates message */ prompt = IupHbox(mensagem, campo, NULL); /* creates prompt */ dlg = IupDialog(prompt) IupShow(dlg); /* displays and creates dialog */ IupMainLoop (); /* interacts with user */ printf ("Número Inteiro: %d", IupGetInt (campo, IUP_VALUE)); /* prints the integer number entered by the user */ printf ("Número Real: %g", IupGetFloat (campo, IUP_VALUE)); /* prints the real number entered by the user */ printf ("Texto Digitado: %s", IupGetAttribute(campo, IUP_VALUE)); /* prints the text entered by the user */ IupDestroy(dlg); IupClose (); /* ends IUP */ }