To decompile a help file

HTML Help Viewer

To decompile a help file
  1. Open HTML Help Workshop, click the File menu, and then click Decompile.
  2. In the Destination folder box, enter the name of the folder where you want the decompiled files to be copied.
  3. In the Compiled help project file box, enter the name of the compiled help (.chm) file you want to decompile.


  • This procedure is useful for extracting individual HTML source files from a compiled help file. It is also useful if you want to use the source files in a browser that does not support compiled help files.
  • The decompile option is part of the HTML Help executable program (Hh.exe) and is therefore also a client-side command line switch that works when HTML Help Workshop is not set up. From a DOS prompt or from the Run command, type -decompile folder chm, where -decompile is the switch, folder is the name of the destination folder where you want the source files to be copied, and chm is the name of the compiled help file you want to decompile.