fsWinProperties parameter


fsWinProperties parameter

The fsWinProperties member is used to define various properties for a help window, and is also used to control how the window is created.

This member can be a combination of one or more of the following values:

Value Description
HHWIN_PROP_AUTO_SYNC Locates and selects the contents or index entry (depending on whether the Contents or Index tab is selected in the Navigation pane) for the help topic that appears in the Help Viewer.

If the topic cannot be located in the Navigation pane, no action is taken.

HHWIN_PROP_CHANGE_TITLE Changes the title bar of the Help Viewer to match the title of the topic that appears in the Topic pane.
HHWIN_PROP_NAV_ONLY_WIN Specifies that the window only contain a Navigation pane and toolbar. No topics can appear in this Help Viewer.
HHWIN_PROP_NODEF_EXSTYLES Specifies that the window use no default extended styles when it is created. If used in combination with the HHWIN_PROP_ONTOP flag, the HHWIN_PROP_ONTOP flag is ignored.
HHWIN_PROP_NODEF_STYLES Specifies that the window not use default styles when it is created. If this flag is not specified, the window is created with the following default styles:


HHWIN_PROP_NOTB_TEXT Specifies that the buttons on the toolbar of the Help Viewer not contain text below the icon.
HHWIN_PROP_NOTITLEBAR Creates a window without a title bar.
HHWIN_PROP_NO_TOOLBAR Creates a window without a toolbar.
HHWIN_PROP_ONTOP Creates a window that stays on top of all windows on the desktop rather than staying on top of only the calling window.
HHWIN_PROP_TAB_ADVSEARCH Creates a window whose Navigation pane includes a full-text Search tab.

If HHWIN_PROP_TAB_SEARCH is not specified as a value for fsWinProperties, no Search tab will appear, whether or not the compiled help (.chm) file includes full-text search information.

HHWIN_PROP_TAB_FAVORITES Creates a window whose Navigation pane includes a Favorites tab.
HHWIN_PROP_TAB_SEARCH Creates a window whose Navigation pane includes a Search tab.
HHWIN_PROP_TRACKING Enables HTML Help notification messages to be sent to the window specified in hwndCaller.
HHWIN_PROP_TRI_PANE Creates the HTML Help Viewer (with a Topic pane, Navigation pane, and toolbar).

Once a window has been created, this flag cannot be used to modify the existing window.

HHWIN_PROP_USER_POS If the user resizes or repositions the help window, this size/position will be used when the compiled help file is opened again. Without this setting, the window always appears in the same size/position.

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