IsNotInRange(T) Method (ConditionValidator(Nullable(T)), Nullable(T), Nullable(T))


Checks whether the given value is not between minValue and maxValue (including those values). An exception is thrown otherwise.

Namespace:  CuttingEdge.Conditions
Assembly:  CuttingEdge.Conditions (in CuttingEdge.Conditions.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Shared Function IsNotInRange(Of T As {Structure, New}) ( _
	validator As ConditionValidator(Of Nullable(Of T)), _
	minValue As Nullable(Of T), _
	maxValue As Nullable(Of T) _
) As ConditionValidator(Of Nullable(Of T))
public static ConditionValidator<Nullable<T>> IsNotInRange<T>(
	ConditionValidator<Nullable<T>> validator,
	Nullable<T> minValue,
	Nullable<T> maxValue
where T : struct, new()
Visual C++
generic<typename T>
where T : value class, gcnew()
static ConditionValidator<Nullable<T>>^ IsNotInRange(
	ConditionValidator<Nullable<T>>^ validator, 
	Nullable<T> minValue, 
	Nullable<T> maxValue
JavaScript does not support generic types or methods.


Type: CuttingEdge.Conditions..::.ConditionValidator<(Of <(Nullable<(Of <(T>)>)>)>)
The ConditionValidator<(Of <(T>)>) that holds the value that has to be checked.
Type: System..::.Nullable<(Of <(T>)>)
The lowest invalid value.
Type: System..::.Nullable<(Of <(T>)>)
The highest invalid value.

Type Parameters

The type of the Value of the specified validator.

Return Value

The specified validator instance.


System..::.ArgumentExceptionThrown when the Value of the specified validator is in the specified range, while the specified validator is created using the Requires extension method.
System..::.ArgumentNullExceptionThrown when the Value of the specified validator is in the specified range and a null reference, while the specified validator is created using the Requires extension method.
System.ComponentModel..::.InvalidEnumArgumentExceptionThrown when the Value of the specified validator is in the specified range and an Enum type, while the specified validator is created using the Requires extension method.
CuttingEdge.Conditions..::.PostconditionExceptionThrown when the Value of the specified validator is in the specified range, while the specified validator is created using the Ensures extension method.

See Also