Q #1: Has anyone used AutoItX within a
Visual Basic Application? If you
have, could you send me a small
sample of how to include AutoIt in a
Visual Basic project?
A #1: I use AutoItX in some of my VB apps.
If you are interested, I created
VB Module which registers the
AutoItX.dll automatically when it is
used. It also makes it easy to
reference the AutoItX control in your
code (I have only tested it on NT
Some of the functions in the Module
are not AutoItX related. I also
added functions for REG.EXE,
SRVINFO.EXE, and NET.EXE to read and
write to remote registry, get server
info, and manipulate NT User
Accounts. Link to the VB Module at:
Here is an application which
utilizes the Module. It's a cool app. It
does NT User Account maintenance and
reporting. It only works on NT 4.