


此脚本把操纵杆转换为三键的鼠标. 它允许每个按钮像鼠标按钮那样拖动, 且它几乎不消耗 CPU 时间. 还有, 您将操纵杆推离中央越远, 它会让光标移动的越快. 您可以在脚本的顶部个性化各种设置.

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; Increase the following value to make the mouse cursor move faster:
JoyMultiplier = 0.30

; Decrease the following value to require less joystick displacement-from-center
; to start moving the mouse.  However, you may need to calibrate your joystick
; -- ensuring it's properly centered -- to avoid cursor drift. A perfectly tight
; and centered joystick could use a value of 1:
JoyThreshold = 3

; Change the following to true to invert the Y-axis, which causes the mouse to
; move vertically in the direction opposite the stick:
InvertYAxis := false

; Change these values to use joystick button numbers other than 1, 2, and 3 for
; the left, right, and middle mouse buttons.  Available numbers are 1 through 32.
; Use the Joystick Test Script to find out your joystick's numbers more easily.
ButtonLeft = 1
ButtonRight = 2
ButtonMiddle = 3

; If your joystick has a POV control, you can use it as a mouse wheel.  The
; following value is the number of milliseconds between turns of the wheel.
; Decrease it to have the wheel turn faster:
WheelDelay = 250

; If your system has more than one joystick, increase this value to use a joystick
; other than the first:
JoystickNumber = 1

; END OF CONFIG SECTION -- Don't change anything below this point unless you want
; to alter the basic nature of the script.


JoystickPrefix = %JoystickNumber%Joy
Hotkey, %JoystickPrefix%%ButtonLeft%, ButtonLeft
Hotkey, %JoystickPrefix%%ButtonRight%, ButtonRight
Hotkey, %JoystickPrefix%%ButtonMiddle%, ButtonMiddle

; Calculate the axis displacements that are needed to start moving the cursor:
JoyThresholdUpper := 50 + JoyThreshold
JoyThresholdLower := 50 - JoyThreshold
if InvertYAxis
    YAxisMultiplier = -1
    YAxisMultiplier = 1

SetTimer, WatchJoystick, 10  ; Monitor the movement of the joystick.

GetKeyState, JoyInfo, %JoystickNumber%JoyInfo
IfInString, JoyInfo, P  ; Joystick has POV control, so use it as a mouse wheel.
    SetTimer, MouseWheel, %WheelDelay%

return  ; End of auto-execute section.

; The subroutines below do not use KeyWait because that would sometimes trap the
; WatchJoystick quasi-thread beneath the wait-for-button-up thread, which would
; effectively prevent mouse-dragging with the joystick.

SetMouseDelay, -1  ; Makes movement smoother.
MouseClick, left,,, 1, 0, D  ; Hold down the left mouse button.
SetTimer, WaitForLeftButtonUp, 10

SetMouseDelay, -1  ; Makes movement smoother.
MouseClick, right,,, 1, 0, D  ; Hold down the right mouse button.
SetTimer, WaitForRightButtonUp, 10

SetMouseDelay, -1  ; Makes movement smoother.
MouseClick, middle,,, 1, 0, D  ; Hold down the right mouse button.
SetTimer, WaitForMiddleButtonUp, 10

if GetKeyState(JoystickPrefix . ButtonLeft)
    return  ; The button is still, down, so keep waiting.
; Otherwise, the button has been released.
SetTimer, WaitForLeftButtonUp, off
SetMouseDelay, -1  ; Makes movement smoother.
MouseClick, left,,, 1, 0, U  ; Release the mouse button.

if GetKeyState(JoystickPrefix . ButtonRight)
    return  ; The button is still, down, so keep waiting.
; Otherwise, the button has been released.
SetTimer, WaitForRightButtonUp, off
MouseClick, right,,, 1, 0, U  ; Release the mouse button.

if GetKeyState(JoystickPrefix . ButtonMiddle)
    return  ; The button is still, down, so keep waiting.
; Otherwise, the button has been released.
SetTimer, WaitForMiddleButtonUp, off
MouseClick, middle,,, 1, 0, U  ; Release the mouse button.

MouseNeedsToBeMoved := false  ; Set default.
SetFormat, float, 03
GetKeyState, joyx, %JoystickNumber%JoyX
GetKeyState, joyy, %JoystickNumber%JoyY
if joyx > %JoyThresholdUpper%
    MouseNeedsToBeMoved := true
    DeltaX := joyx - JoyThresholdUpper
else if joyx < %JoyThresholdLower%
    MouseNeedsToBeMoved := true
    DeltaX := joyx - JoyThresholdLower
    DeltaX = 0
if joyy > %JoyThresholdUpper%
    MouseNeedsToBeMoved := true
    DeltaY := joyy - JoyThresholdUpper
else if joyy < %JoyThresholdLower%
    MouseNeedsToBeMoved := true
    DeltaY := joyy - JoyThresholdLower
    DeltaY = 0
if MouseNeedsToBeMoved
    SetMouseDelay, -1  ; Makes movement smoother.
    MouseMove, DeltaX * JoyMultiplier, DeltaY * JoyMultiplier * YAxisMultiplier, 0, R

GetKeyState, JoyPOV, %JoystickNumber%JoyPOV
if JoyPOV = -1  ; No angle.
if (JoyPOV > 31500 or JoyPOV < 4500)  ; Forward
    Send {WheelUp}
else if JoyPOV between 13500 and 22500  ; Back
    Send {WheelDown}