; Minimize Window to Tray Menu ; http://www.autohotkey.com ; This script assigns a hotkey of your choice to hide any window so that ; it becomes an entry at the bottom of the script's tray menu. Hidden ; windows can then be unhidden individually or all at once by selecting ; the corresponding item on the menu. If the script exits for any reason, ; all the windows that it hid will be unhidden automatically. ; CHANGES: ; July 22, 2005 (changes provided by egilmour): ; - Added new hotkey to unhide the last hidden window (Win+U) ; ; November 3, 2004 (changes provided by trogdor): ; - Program manager is prevented from being hidden. ; - If there is no active window, the minimize-to-tray hotkey will have ; no effect rather than waiting indefinitely. ; ; October 23, 2004: ; - The taskbar is prevented from being hidden. ; - Some possible problems with long window titles have been fixed. ; - Windows without a title can be hidden without causing problems. ; - If the script is running under AHK v1.0.22 or greater, the ; maximum length of each menu item is increased from 100 to 260. ; CONFIGURATION SECTION: Change the below values as desired. ; This is the maximum number of windows to allow to be hidden (having a ; limit helps performance): mwt_MaxWindows = 50 ; This is the hotkey used to hide the active window: mwt_Hotkey = #h ; Win+H ; This is the hotkey used to unhide the last hidden window: mwt_UnHotkey = #u ; Win+U ; If you prefer to have the tray menu empty of all the standard items, ; such as Help and Pause, use N. Otherwise, use Y: mwt_StandardMenu = N ; These next few performance settings help to keep the action within the ; #HotkeyModifierTimeout period, and thus avoid the need to release and ; press down the hotkey's modifier if you want to hide more than one ; window in a row. These settings are not needed you choose to have the ; script use the keyboard hook via #InstallKeybdHook or other means: #HotkeyModifierTimeout 100 SetWinDelay 10 SetKeyDelay 0 #SingleInstance ; Allow only one instance of this script to be running. ; END OF CONFIGURATION SECTION (do not make changes below this point ; unless you want to change the basic functionality of the script). Hotkey, %mwt_Hotkey%, mwt_Minimize Hotkey, %mwt_UnHotkey%, mwt_UnMinimize ; If the user terminates the script by any means, unhide all the ; windows first: OnExit, mwt_RestoreAllThenExit if mwt_StandardMenu = Y Menu, Tray, Add else { Menu, Tray, NoStandard Menu, Tray, Add, E&xit and Unhide All, mwt_RestoreAllThenExit } Menu, Tray, Add, &Unhide All Hidden Windows, mwt_RestoreAll Menu, Tray, Add ; Another separator line to make the above more special. if A_AhkVersion = ; Since it's blank, version is older than 1.0.22. mwt_MaxLength = 100 else mwt_MaxLength = 260 ; Reduce this to restrict the width of the menu. return ; End of auto-execute section. mwt_Minimize: if mwt_WindowCount >= %mwt_MaxWindows% { MsgBox No more than %mwt_MaxWindows% may be hidden simultaneously. return } ; Set the "last found window" to simplify and help performance. ; Since in certain cases it is possible for there to be no active window, ; a timeout has been added: WinWait, A,, 2 if ErrorLevel <> 0 ; It timed out, so do nothing. return ; Otherwise, the "last found window" has been set and can now be used: WinGet, mwt_ActiveID, ID WinGetTitle, mwt_ActiveTitle WinGetClass, mwt_ActiveClass if mwt_ActiveClass in Shell_TrayWnd,Progman { MsgBox The desktop and taskbar cannot be hidden. return } ; Because hiding the window won't deactivate it, activate the window ; beneath this one (if any). I tried other ways, but they wound up ; activating the task bar. This way sends the active window (which is ; about to be hidden) to the back of the stack, which seems best: Send, !{esc} ; Hide it only now that WinGetTitle/WinGetClass above have been run (since ; by default, those commands cannot detect hidden windows): WinHide ; If the title is blank, use the class instead. This serves two purposes: ; 1) A more meaningful name is used as the menu name. ; 2) Allows the menu item to be created (otherwise, blank items wouldn't ; be handled correctly by the various routines below). if mwt_ActiveTitle = mwt_ActiveTitle = ahk_class %mwt_ActiveClass% ; Ensure the title is short enough to fit. mwt_ActiveTitle also serves to ; uniquely identify this particular menu item. StringLeft, mwt_ActiveTitle, mwt_ActiveTitle, %mwt_MaxLength% ; In addition to the tray menu requiring that each menu item name be ; unique, it must also be unique so that we can reliably look it up in ; the array when the window is later unhidden. So make it unique if it ; isn't already: Loop, %mwt_MaxWindows% { if mwt_WindowTitle%A_Index% = %mwt_ActiveTitle% { ; Match found, so it's not unique. ; First remove the 0x from the hex number to conserve menu space: StringTrimLeft, mwt_ActiveIDShort, mwt_ActiveID, 2 StringLen, mwt_ActiveIDShortLength, mwt_ActiveIDShort StringLen, mwt_ActiveTitleLength, mwt_ActiveTitle mwt_ActiveTitleLength += %mwt_ActiveIDShortLength% mwt_ActiveTitleLength += 1 ; +1 the 1 space between title & ID. if mwt_ActiveTitleLength > %mwt_MaxLength% { ; Since menu item names are limted in length, trim the title ; down to allow just enough room for the Window's Short ID at ; the end of its name: TrimCount = %mwt_ActiveTitleLength% TrimCount -= %mwt_MaxLength% StringTrimRight, mwt_ActiveTitle, mwt_ActiveTitle, %TrimCount% } ; Build unique title: mwt_ActiveTitle = %mwt_ActiveTitle% %mwt_ActiveIDShort% break } } ; First, ensure that this ID doesn't already exist in the list, which can ; happen if a particular window was externally unhidden (or its app unhid ; it) and now it's about to be re-hidden: mwt_AlreadyExists = n Loop, %mwt_MaxWindows% { if mwt_WindowID%A_Index% = %mwt_ActiveID% { mwt_AlreadyExists = y break } } ; Add the item to the array and to the menu: if mwt_AlreadyExists = n { Menu, Tray, add, %mwt_ActiveTitle%, RestoreFromTrayMenu mwt_WindowCount += 1 Loop, %mwt_MaxWindows% ; Search for a free slot. { ; It should always find a free slot if things are designed right. if mwt_WindowID%A_Index% = ; An empty slot was found. { mwt_WindowID%A_Index% = %mwt_ActiveID% mwt_WindowTitle%A_Index% = %mwt_ActiveTitle% break } } } return RestoreFromTrayMenu: Menu, Tray, delete, %A_ThisMenuItem% ; Find window based on its unique title stored as the menu item name: Loop, %mwt_MaxWindows% { if mwt_WindowTitle%A_Index% = %A_ThisMenuItem% ; Match found. { StringTrimRight, IDToRestore, mwt_WindowID%A_Index%, 0 WinShow, ahk_id %IDToRestore% WinActivate ahk_id %IDToRestore% ; Sometimes needed. mwt_WindowID%A_Index% = ; Make it blank to free up a slot. mwt_WindowTitle%A_Index% = mwt_WindowCount -= 1 break } } return ;; This will pop the last minimized window off the stack and unhide it. mwt_UnMinimize: ;; Make sure there's something to unhide. if mwt_WindowCount > 0 { ;; Get the id of the last window minimized and unhide it StringTrimRight, IDToRestore, mwt_WindowID%mwt_WindowCount%, 0 WinShow, ahk_id %IDToRestore% WinActivate ahk_id %IDToRestore% ;; Get the menu name of the last window minimized and remove it StringTrimRight, MenuToRemove, mwt_WindowTitle%mwt_WindowCount%, 0 Menu, Tray, delete, %MenuToRemove% ;; clean up our 'arrays' and decrement the window count mwt_WindowID%mwt_WindowCount% = mwt_WindowTitle%mwt_WindowCount% = mwt_WindowCount -= 1 } return mwt_RestoreAllThenExit: Gosub, mwt_RestoreAll ExitApp ; Do a true exit. mwt_RestoreAll: Loop, %mwt_MaxWindows% { if mwt_WindowID%A_Index% <> { StringTrimRight, IDToRestore, mwt_WindowID%A_Index%, 0 WinShow, ahk_id %IDToRestore% WinActivate ahk_id %IDToRestore% ; Sometimes needed. ; Do it this way vs. DeleteAll so that the sep. line and first ; item are retained: StringTrimRight, MenuToRemove, mwt_WindowTitle%A_Index%, 0 Menu, Tray, delete, %MenuToRemove% mwt_WindowID%A_Index% = ; Make it blank to free up a slot. mwt_WindowTitle%A_Index% = mwt_WindowCount -= 1 } if mwt_WindowCount = 0 break } return