; Context Sensitive Help in Any Editor -- by Rajat ; http://www.autohotkey.com ; This script makes Ctrl+2 (or another hotkey of your choice) show the help file ; page for the selected AutoHotkey command or keyword. If nothing is selected, ; the command name will be extracted from the beginning of the current line. ; The hotkey below uses the clipboard to provide compatibility with the maximum ; number of editors (since ControlGet doesn't work with most advanced editors). ; It restores the original clipboard contents afterward, but as plain text, ; which seems better than nothing. $^2:: ; The following values are in effect only for the duration of this hotkey thread. ; Therefore, there is no need to change them back to their original values ; because that is done automatically when the thread ends: SetWinDelay 10 SetKeyDelay 0 AutoTrim, On if A_OSType = WIN32_WINDOWS ; Windows 9x Sleep, 500 ; Give time for the user to release the key. C_ClipboardPrev = %clipboard% clipboard = ; Use the highlighted word if there is one (since sometimes the user might ; intentionally highlight something that isn't a command): Send, ^c ClipWait, 0.1 if ErrorLevel <> 0 { ; Get the entire line because editors treat cursor navigation keys differently: Send, {home}+{end}^c ClipWait, 0.2 if ErrorLevel <> 0 ; Rare, so no error is reported. { clipboard = %C_ClipboardPrev% return } } C_Cmd = %clipboard% ; This will trim leading and trailing tabs & spaces. clipboard = %C_ClipboardPrev% ; Restore the original clipboard for the user. Loop, parse, C_Cmd, %A_Space%`, ; The first space or comma is the end of the command. { C_Cmd = %A_LoopField% break ; i.e. we only need one interation. } IfWinNotExist, AutoHotkey Help { ; Determine AutoHotkey's location: RegRead, ahk_dir, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\AutoHotkey, InstallDir if ErrorLevel ; Not found, so look for it in some other common locations. { if A_AhkPath SplitPath, A_AhkPath,, ahk_dir else IfExist ..\..\AutoHotkey.chm ahk_dir = ..\.. else IfExist %A_ProgramFiles%\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.chm ahk_dir = %A_ProgramFiles%\AutoHotkey else { MsgBox Could not find the AutoHotkey folder. return } } Run %ahk_dir%\AutoHotkey.chm WinWait AutoHotkey Help } ; The above has set the "last found" window which we use below: WinActivate WinWaitActive StringReplace, C_Cmd, C_Cmd, #, {#} Send, !n{home}+{end}%C_Cmd%{enter} return