
AssureID Connect

AssureID Connect Web Service

Uri: http://localhost/AssureTec.AssureID.Web/AssureIDService/Document/{INSTANCEID}/Image?side={SIDE}&light;={LIGHT}&metrics;={METRICS}

NameDescriptionData Type
INSTANCEIDGuid document identifier of the document to which the document image should be added.String
SIDEDocumentSide enumeration which identifies the document side of the image.String
LIGHTLightSource enumeration which identifies the light source of the image.String
METRICSBoolean that indicates whether or not imaging metrics should be calculated for the image. The default is false (no metrics calculated). Imaging metrics will only be calculated for LightSource.White images.String
Request (Unknown)

The Request body is a byte stream.

At least one image must be posted to the document instance prior to calling GetDocument.  The minimum requirement for processing a document with AssureID.NET is posting the white (light source) front (side) image of the document.

There are specific imaging requirements that must be met to ensure that a document is correctly and accurately processed.  These requirements are:

  • All images must be tightly cropped such that the edges of the document correspond to the edges of the image.
  • The image shall be deskewed such that it is oriented as close to zero degrees rotation as possible.
  • The physical resolution of image, as specified within the image header, shall be specified and be accurate to within 1% of the actual image resolution.
  • The aspect ratio of the image shall not be changed and the horizontal and vertical resolution of the images shall be similar, preferably within 1% of the other.
  • The minimum supported physical resolution is 300 DPI (dots per inch), although higher resolutions can improve document classification and OCR accuracy.
  • The original images from the imaging device should not be resized or scaled to a smaller size.    
  • The following image file formats are supported:
    • Windows Bitmap (image/bmp)
    • PNG (image/png)
    • TIFF (image/tiff)
    • JPEG (image/jpeg)
    • JPEG-XR (image/vnd.ms-photo)
    • JPEG 2000 (image/jp2)
  • The images must not be so aggressively compressed that major compression artifacts are introduced that affect data capture and authentication accuracy.

The following table provides recommendations for minimum recommended compressed image file sizes. Overcompression of images may result in degradation of data capture and authentication performance, so it is strongly recommended that these recommendations be followed.

Light Source Recommended Minimum
Visible 600-1200 KB 500 KB
Near-Infrared 250-500 KB 200 KB
Ultraviolet 150-300 KB 125 KB
Coaxial 150-300 KB 125 KB
See Also



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