; Window Shading (roll up a window to its title bar) -- by Rajat ; http://www.autohotkey.com ; This script reduces a window to its title bar and then back to its ; original size by pressing a single hotkey. Any number of windows ; can be reduced in this fashion (the script remembers each). If the ; script exits for any reason, all "rolled up" windows will be ; automatically restored to their original heights. ; Set the height of a rolled up window here. The operating system ; probably won't allow the title bar to be hidden regardless of ; how low this number is: ws_MinHeight := 25 ; This line will unroll any rolled up windows if the script exits ; for any reason: OnExit("ExitSub") return ; End of auto-execute section #z:: ; Change this line to pick a different hotkey. ; Below this point, no changes should be made unless you want to ; alter the script's basic functionality. ; Uncomment this next line if this subroutine is to be converted ; into a custom menu item rather than a hotkey. The delay allows ; the active window that was deactivated by the displayed menu to ; become active again: ;Sleep, 200 WinGetID, ws_ID, A Loop, Parse, %ws_IDList%, | { if A_LoopField = ws_ID { ; Match found, so this window should be restored (unrolled): ws_Height := ws_Window%ws_ID% WinMove, ahk_id %ws_ID%,,,,, %ws_Height% StrReplace, ws_IDList, %ws_IDList%, |%ws_ID% return } } WinGetPos,,,, ws_Height, A ws_Window%ws_ID% := ws_Height WinMove, ahk_id %ws_ID%,,,,, %ws_MinHeight% ws_IDList .= "|" ws_ID return ExitSub() { Loop, Parse, %ws_IDList%, | { if A_LoopField = "" ; First field in list is normally blank. continue ; So skip it. ws_Height := ws_Window%A_LoopField% WinMove, ahk_id %A_LoopField%,,,,, %ws_Height% } ExitApp ; Must do this for the OnExit subroutine to actually Exit the script. }