


Open card from Word List (ENTER)

Opens the card of a word selected in the Word List.

Translate Text from Edit Line (CTRL+ENTER)

Translates text from the Edit Line. The word or phrase could be in any grammatical form. If any word from the Edit Line is not found in dictionaries, Suggestions window displaying spelling suggestions will open.
Note: During translation and search for variants the system only uses the dictionaries of the current language (selected on Lingvo Language bar).

Translate Using All Languages (CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER)

Translates text from the Edit Line within all translation directions. (In Multilingual Edition only.)

Find Text from Edit Line (CTRL+F)

Searches for a word or phrase through the complete text of all cards in the dictionaries of the current pair of languages. For instance, you may use this search to translate a phrase present in several entries in examples or comments.

Search in All Languages (CTRL+SHIFT+F)

Show word paradigm... (CTRL+W)

Opens Paradigm window displaying all the word forms of the word from the Edit Line.

Note: The paradigm may be displayed for a single word in Edit Line only. It is impossible to display a paradigm for a word phrase.

Add paradigm...

Builds the paradigm for the word in Edit Line.

Suggest... F7

Opens Suggestions window displaying spelling suggestions.

Note: During the search the system only uses the dictionaries of the current language (selected on Lingvo Language bar).

Create/Edit Card... CTRL+Num +

Allows to add a new word or edit the existing one in the custom dictionaries. This option is available only for custom (user) dictionaries, i.e. ones that were created by using Lingvo dictionary creation tools.

Delete Card... CTRL+Num -

Deletes a word from the custom dictionary.

Languages & Dictionaries... CTRL+D

Opens Languages & Dictionaries... dialog box. You can add and/or remove dictionaries in this dialog.

Options... CTRL+O

Opens "Options" dialog box displaying "General", "Magic Keys", "Search" and "Format" tabs. You can specify Lingvo parameters in this dialog.